Mobile Battle Royale Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier Is Shutting Down In January

final fantasy vii the first soldier sunset announcement header

Another Square Enix game will be shutting down by next year as the publisher weeds out underperforming titles from its portfolio. This time around, it’s Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier that’s getting axed.

The announcement comes less than a year after the multiplayer battle royale game first launched on mobile devices in November 2021. The game will officially be shutting down on January 11, 2023, giving players just three months to get their fill of battle royale matches in the Final Fantasy universe before it’s taken offline forever.

The shut down announcement was bombarded with responses from players and fans wondering why the mobile spinoff never made it to Steam, which could have possibly saved it from its untimely demise. In any case, the decision has been made, the cash shop has been disabled and there’s nothing left to do but enjoy the in-game events that will run up until the lights go dark.

Last month, Square Enix also announced the closure of Platinum Games’ co-op shooter Babylon’s Fall due to extremely poor reception from the community. The game is set to go offline for the last time on February 27, 2023.