Fortnite Made Sweeping Adjustments To Battle Royale And Its New Spinoffs

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Epic Games has made wholesale adjustments to Fortnite battle royale and all of its newly released spinoffs including LEGO Fortnite, Fortnite Festival, and Rocket Racing.

First on the docket is the free-to-play battle royale mode which saw various gameplay improvements, including faster movement speed while running and crouching, improved storm edge and medallion visibility, brighter areas at night, and a whole host of balance adjustments.

Over at LEGO Fortnite, snacks are now more filling, tools and weapons are now more durable, and some monsters now deal less damage and are easier to kill. Rocket Racing, on the other hand, saw slight adjustments to alleviate high-rank queue times and significant improvements to collision response when bumped from behind. The Jackie Outfit has also been adjusted to unlock at Gold I rank instead of Gold II.

Lastly, Fortnite Festival has disabled in the backstage area of the Main Stage version, fixed the missing song library bug, and temporarily disabled the “Restart Song” feature as the team works to fix an issue that caused the game to become unresponsive.

In other Fortnite news, film director and Fortnite player Zack Snyder says that he’s open to the possibility of directing a live-action adaptation of the popular shooter. It’s worth noting that Snyder is know for dark and gritty movies like Justice League and Dawn of the Dead, so it’ll be interesting to see how he adapts the colorful and comical world of Fortnite onto the movie screen. Although, there’s a good chance that he’ll simply focus on the premise of a deadly battle to the last-man-standing if he gets the project.

Meanwhile, LEGO Fortnite, Rocket Racing, and Fortnite Festival have all seen massive drops in their peak player numbers as the novelty of their respective launches dies down. You can take a peek at the latest population data here and the latest patch notes here.

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