L.A. Comic Con Is Still A Go For December In Spite Of COVID-19

los angeles comic con crowd 2019 bannerSince the beginning of the year, numerous tech and gaming conventions and events have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic that’s claimed more than 200,000 lives in the US and over 1 million across the globe. Most event organizers have tried to hold on to their plans until the last minute before deciding to pull the plug or go digital instead. The Los Angeles Comic Con organizers, however, say that they’re still moving forward with their plans for a physical event this December.

“Since March, we’ve been living in some version of a ‘Lockdown/Safer at Home’ world, trying hard to stay safe, hoping and praying for the health and safety of ourselves, our family, friends, neighbors and all of our fellow human beings,” says L.A. Comic Con General Manager Chris DeMoulin. “And yet, we all yearn for just a little bit of normality, to reclaim some aspects of our lives pre-COVID.”

According to the Los Angeles Daily News, the organizers say they have plans and precautions in place to ensure the safety of everyone attending the event based on feedback from fans and consultations with the authorities. These include a bigger venue, more entrances, spread out activities, a split schedule with deep cleaning in between sessions, fewer available tickets, and live streaming for those who would rather not risk it. Masks and social distancing will also be strictly implemented. “We’re doing everything we can to help nerds unite this December,” says DeMoulin.

Tickets are now on sale at the L.A. Comic Con official site. Should the event be postponed, all tickets will be usable at the next L.A. Comic Con, whenever that may be.