Legends Of Runeterra Game Director Explains New PvP Development Focus

legends of runterra ccg refocus art

Legends of Runeterra players who lean more towards to PvE side of the collectible card game will be disappointed to know that Riot Games has decided to shift its focus to PvP features. The Path of Champions PvE mode will still remain but will essentially be in maintenance mode as developers are shuffled around to the studio’s other more popular games.

This has naturally resulted in backlash from the game’s PvE-loving community which Game Director Dave Guskin recently addressed on Twitter. According to Guskin, the decision to shift focus to PvP wasn’t because it wasn’t popular but rather because it will allow them to better realize their future plans for the game.

“The team loves what we’ve built in PvE, and we had a ton of awesome plans for the mode’s future. It’s also performing well! However, when we looked at the work required to realize all of our future plans, we had to take a step back – it was a lot,” he tweeted. “We made the decision to ship what we had in the Path of Champions 2.0, and we have plans to clean up the rough edges as well as continue to add some extra content over time.”

“Moving forward though, there are a lot of awesome projects at Riot that could use extra help,” he added. “Our devs have a ton to offer these projects! So when faced with the decision to forge ahead, or refocus on our roots in PvP and hyper-serve that core CCG community, we weighed everything, and made the decision to return to our roots.”

Guskin promises to have an updated development roadmap soon. In the meantime, players can still work towards unlocking the rewards in the new Pulsefire Event Pass which will be available until June 29th. You can watch an overview of the event pass in the official event trailer below.

Pulsefire | Event Trailer - Legends of Runeterra