Lost Ark Players Are Dropping Like Flies To Raid Boss Brelshaza According To Year 2 Stats

lost ark 2nd anniversary creepy clown banner

If there’s one thing that Amazon learned in the two years that Lost Ark has been operating in the west, it’s that players suck at completing raids. According to the game’s Year 2 infographic, players have died nearly 61 million times in the fantasy MMORPG’s pinnacle raids. Nearly 50 million of those deaths were at the hands of the commander of the Phantom Legion, Brelshaza, who also takes the crown as the deadliest boss in all of Arkesia.

Meanwhile, the game’s back-to-back 2nd anniversary events are now in full swing with a free anniversary gift bundle up for grabs when you login for the first time during the event. The bundle contains everything from cosmetics to in-game currency, including a 2nd anniversary headband, winter trail effect and skin collection chests, and Pheons, an account-bound currency that can be used to purchase rare items and consumables from the auction house.

Lost Ark franchise head Soomin Park also teases a big year ahead for the free-to-play MMORPG, thanks in part to feedback and suggestions from the game’s community.

“As we enter our third year, we’re going to take yet another leap forward. In 2024, we’re preparing for another big year for Lost Ark, while continuing to listen to our users,” he writes. “To accomplish this, the teams at Amazon Games and Smilegate RPG met late last year to discuss plans for the entire year of 2024, and we couldn’t be more excited to share updates soon.”

As for content parity, Park acknowledged that the western version will always lag behind the Korean version but they plan to make it as short as possible. “We’ve worked hard to bring four years of Korean Lost Ark updates and content to players in the West with as little delay as possible,” he says. “In fact, by mid-2024, the gap between the two regions will be as short as six months. While it’s always exciting to get great content into the hands of Western players faster and see how they react, we’ve also found that sometimes faster releases can increase user fatigue and even make games more vulnerable to bots, which is never good for the player experience.”

We’re not sure if Korean are as bad at raids as western players, but you can check out the actual death toll along with a few other interesting statistics in the infographic below.

lost ark year 2 infographic