More Ragnarok Mobile Details Unveiled At ChinaJoy, More Ragnarok Titles On The Way


According to MMOCulture, an assortment of details about Ragnarok Mobile were unveiled at ChinaJoy 2016. As part of Xindong's endeavor to make the game a faithful recreation of the classic MMORPG on mobile devices, both guild vs. guild battles and manual stat allocation will be present in Ragnarok Mobile. While the business model has yet to be confirmed, the title will not have a monthly fee. Furthermore, the title's launch schedule will be unveiled at a press event sometime in the next few months. For the time being, only China, Japan, and South Korea are being considered as target markets, as they were the three countries in which Ragnarok Online was most popular. The rest of the world will be considered after the game has successfully launched in all three countries.

Xindong also announced that Ragnarok Mobile will not be the only Ragnarok title it will create. The company intends to make an assortment of officially-licensed Ragnarok games and the intention to create Ragnarok VR games has been mentioned. The company will also be developing games that are unrelated to Ragnarok, the first of which is a music game being created in cooperation with the Korean company YG Entertainment.

Ragnarok Mobile (CN) - Summer Test 2016 game trailer