Overwatch Young Adult Novel Featuring Efi Oladele Slated For Publication In May 2020

overawtch efi oladele animated bannerBlizzard Entertainment’s online first-person shooter Overwatch features a diverse roster of characters with rich backstories and a compelling storyline that continues to unfold, not through the game, but by way of animated shorts, comics, "interviews" and even through a cookbook. Next year, the franchise dives into the realm of young adult fiction with “The Hero of Numbani”, a novel written by Nicky Drayden and published by Scholastic.

The Hero of Numbani’s all-new original story will revolve around the 11-year old robotics expert Efi Oladele, creator of the guardian robot Orisa. Aside from Orisa, the upcoming novel will also feature familiar characters from the game including the hard-hitting Doomfist and the DJ-slash-freedom-fighter Lucio.

“In the technologically advanced African city of Numbani, in the not-so-distant future, humans live in harmony with humanoid robots known as omnics. But when a terrorist tries to shatter that unity, a hero named Efi Oladele rises!

Efi has been making robots since she was little-machines to better her community and improve people's lives. But after she witnesses Doomfist's catastrophic attack on the city's OR15 security bots, Efi feels the call to build something greater: a true guardian of Numbani.

While Doomfist sows discord between humans and omnics, Efi engineers an intelligent and compassionate robot, Orisa, named after the powerful spirits who guide her people. Orisa has a lot to learn before she's ready to defeat Doomfist, but Efi has some learning to do, too, especially when it comes to building-and being-a hero. With Doomfist rallying his forces, and the military powerless to stop him, can Efi mold Orisa into the hero of Numbani before it's too late?”

The Hero of Numbani is scheduled to come out on May 5, 2020. Check out the upcoming novel on Amazon for more information. You can also learn more about Efi in the Orisa origin story video below.

[NEW HERO - AVAILABLE ] Orisa Origin Story | Overwatch