Pax Dei Wants To Keep Friends And Clans Together In Its Upcoming Wilderness Alpha Test

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Mainframe Industries is preparing to reopen Pax Dei to over 100,000 players for its second alpha test and would like to make sure that everyone will get to play with their friends, especially since the so-called Wilderness Alpha will focus on testing the new Lyonesse PvP zone and you’ll be better off with friends watching your back.

Testers can now plan where to meet up with their in-game buddies and where they’ll be building their settlements as the studio releases the official list of regions, servers, and home provinces that will be available during the so-called Wilderness Alpha test.

They’ll have the option to play in either the US or EU region regardless of their real-world location, with a choice of two servers per region: Agartha and Annwyn for the US and Arcadia and Elysium for EU. They’ll then need to choose from one of four provinces and home valleys to start from. Resources will vary from one home valley to another, so make sure to choose the right one that fits you and your group’s needs.

The Wilderness Alpha test is set to begin on April 23. Mainframe Industries says that it wants groups of friends and clans to be able to play together and is making use of a Friend Token system to keep everyone together as much as possible. The larger your group the better your chances of getting an invite to the playtest and other ones in the future.