Pax Dei’s Next Alpha Test Will Offer Testers A Taste Of PvP Zones In Its Most Basic Form

pax dei pvp wilderness banner

We’re now just three weeks away from the second Pax Dei alpha test and Mainframe Industries is setting expectations beforehand, particularly with what testers can expect from the new Lyonesse PvP zone which will be the center point of the social sandbox MMO’s upcoming playtest.

“Wilderness Alpha will feature only a first version, a minimum viable product if you will,” the studio says. “We have grand plans for future iterations, in particular when it comes to spell mechanics, but for now, we’re eager to hear your feedback. We know you’ve been clamoring for PvP areas, and we’re curious to see what you’ll create in this sandbox approach.”

The team also warns testers that Lyonesse will feature full-loot free-for-all PvP rules and that they’ll be automatically flagged for PvP once they enter the zone. Lyonesse will also be smaller than other maps and will have hidden resources to encourage fights between players.

Mainframe Industries also explains that PvP and PvE content will go hand in hand as PvP players seek out resources that PvE players will need to craft gear for them. Players will soon get a taste of how the PvP side of the game works in its most basic form when Alpha 2 begins on April 23.