Perfect New World Kicks Off Its Equilibrious Test With New Content Up For Testing

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Perfect New World’s so-called equilibrious test is now in full swing with some new content for testers to try out over the next few days, or possibly weeks. Developer Ironcore Game Studio didn’t say how long the test will run for, so it’s probably best to make the most of your time in the game, assuming that you received an invite of course.

The weirdly named beta test features three new biomes for testers to explore – the Mountain Plains, Desertia Suburbs, and Mechanopolis, the new Dragonspear class, the Skycrest Mine dungeon, and what appears to be an extraction-style battle royale mode called Rocky Island. The dungeon will apparently feature a corrosive battlefield modifier called “Intensive Wraith Breath.” [Insert breath jokes here.]

That’s not all that the test has to offer though as testers will also be able to try out Perfect New World’s gameplay loop and other key features including exploration, questing, mounts, and gathering, in addition to PvP and guild activities. It doesn’t appear as if the playtest is covered by an NDA as plenty of screenshots and footage have already popped up on the game’s Discord.

What's Hidden In Darkness? Join The Equilibrious Test Today! | Perfect New World