Project Gorgon Receives A Surge Of Funding From Loyal Players And Supporters

project gorgon grasslands

Earlier this week, Project Gorgon developer Elder Game broke the unfortunate news that they’ve run out of funding. The studio’s husband-and-wife co-founders had apparently been partially funding the game’s development out of their own pockets and nearly cleaned out their personal savings in the process. As a result, the three-man indie studio has been forced to throttle down the fantasy MMORPG’s development and drastically cut back on updates to keep it running as long as they can.

Elder Game, however, recently received a fresh injection of funding from its loyal supporters which should help keep both the game and the studio afloat for the time being. Co-founder Sandra Powers revealed that they’ve received over $20,000 in donations but haven’t decided on the best way to spend it.

“I think the first big question is: how can we use your donations to best continue development?” she wrote on Discord. “All of it will be going to developing the game, of course – that’s the point. 🙂 But we aren’t yet sure how to spend it most effectively. That’s going to take some thought. We’ll keep our current development plans for the holidays while we review what we can afford to do next year.”

“A lot of the ideas here are things we considered and rejected, but it’s clear that some of you have more contacts and knowledge than we do, and maybe some of those ideas deserve another look. And some of the ideas are things we never would have thought of!” she added. “Anyway, we’re letting these ideas bounce in our brains while we get the bug-fix update out the door.”

Eric Heimburg, the other half of the husband-and-wife team, did confirm that the donations have made it possible to bring back several members of the team, at least for a limited time, to work on the next few updates.

If you’d like to pitch in, you can either make a donation through this page or purchase various mount and perk packages from the cash shop. In the meantime, the team is thanking players for their support with a +100 inventory buff until the end of the month.