Revelation Online shows off Guild Activities

Revelation Online has released a preview of the various activities guilds will be able to do together. Sure, in many games, a Guild functions as just a circle of members that do dungeons and raids together, but Revelation Online isn't content to just let guilds be a chat window people can talk in.


Each Guild in Revelation Online has the ability to get a guild base. When a guild has ten or more members online in the guild base (at the same time of course), doing guild dailies, they have the chance to randomly trigger a Basehunt Event. A chain of four boss enemies will appear, one after the other, where players can challenge them for various loot and experience.

Merchant Run

Merchant Run is a rather unique event that guilds can access. Players will be challenged to use guild currency and attempt to convert it into profit by buying and selling to merchants around the world. Each merchant will also prefer certain items to the other, which helps give each merchant their unique identity in a normally endless sea of faceless NPCs. Personally, I think this type of event is a good addition to any MMO.

Run Brother

A special quest that comes in both daily and weekly flavors, this event is designed specifically for multiple players with voice communication in mind. Revelation Online claims that having at least eight players will be the best for this event. Based on information available, this is a racing event, from basic ruins to even being tied down to a fellow guild member.

And more...

Personally, I always enjoy events and quests being added that relate to guild activities. FFXIV, which I frequent often, has plenty of events that you can do with your guild (called a Free Company), but little events that actively and directly involve your guild members. I am sure these events will be welcome by any close-knit group of friends who want to have some fun in Revelation Online that isn't the bog-standard kill a few enemies, retrieve and item, and receive a prize.