Secret World Legends' Closed Beta Has Already Begun, Interview Reveals New Details

So it turns out that the move to Secret World Legends is happening much faster than I think most of us anticipated. According to a Steam Community update from two days ago, the revamp's Closed Beta began two days ago and, according to Massively, invites have indeed already gone out to several people. Invites will be sent out in waves, with larger waves happening every two weeks. Don't expect to hear too much about the new title, though, as all participants are required to agree to a "strict NDA." As with many other Closed Betas, there will be a wipe at the end of Secret World Legends' Closed Beta.

Massively also got an exclusive interview with Game Director Romain Amiel, during which Amiel discussed some of the changes being made for Secret World Legends. Here are the important parts.

  • Apparently the major changes being made are changes that the team has wanted to make "since before launch." Once the game went live, they were laser-focused on releasing more content and they didn't have a chance to fix core mechanics, such as the combat system. With the revamp, they are finally able to make the changes that they have wanted to.
  • All currencies, premium currencies included, can be traded.
  • The Secret World's Ability Wheel is being replaced by a "weapon page." Each weapon type will have its own page.
  • Each weapon type will have an "expertise level." When you use said weapon type, you will gain expertise. The higher your expertise, the higher the bonuses you will receive.
  • Players will be required to select a "deck" of two weapon types when they start the game. Further weapon types can be unlocked using premium currency. However, owners of The Secret World will get all weapon types unlocked for free.
  • Combat will be action-based "with a forced reticle." Left-click will attack using your primary weapon, while right-click will attack using your secondary weapon. There will be a dedicated dodge button, rather than dodging by double-tapping one of your movement keys.
  • Gear will be upgraded by feeding other gear to it. As gear is upgraded, its quality will be upgraded. Gear and cosmetics will remain separate.
  • The dressing room has been revamped, more clearly indicating what players own and giving them directions on how to obtain items that they don't own.
  • Mobs in The Secret World always had invisible levels, but they will be visible in Secret World Legends. Players will also have levels and an animation and sound notification will play when they level. This change is being made so that players can more easily tell whether or not they can handle a fight.
  • In terms of PvP, Secret World Legends will move away from faction PvP, instead focusing on battlegrounds. At first, it is likely that only the Shambala battleground will be available.

You can find the full interview here.

Secret World Legends - Official Reveal Teaser Trailer