Skull And Bones Touts Successful Closed Beta Test And Preps For Open Beta Testing

skull and bones ship concept art

Ubisoft is trumpeting a successful Skull and Bones closed beta test with hundreds of thousands of players and over 3 million ships setting sail during the three-day playtest last month. Testers also apparently milked the six-hour time limit for all its worth, collectively sailing a total of 7 million kilometers all across the 17th century African coast.

“I just wanted to share with you how incredibly thankful the whole team is for all the support and encouragement we’ve received from the community during and since our closed beta,” said senior community developer Alexis Cretton. “The success of this closed beta and the unprecedented engagement we’ve seen amongst our players is a direct result of the community-driven approach we have embraced with Skull and Bones more than a year ago.”

Ubisoft will also be allowing everyone to experience the long-delayed multiplayer pirate game for themselves in an open beta test that’s expected to begin in the next few weeks. The game itself will finally be launching on February 16, assuming that it doesn’t get delayed again.