Skyforge Has Been Released On Steam

Following Skyforge's PlayStation 4 launch, which occurred just a mere two days ago, has seen fit to release the game on Steam. This move comes as a bit of a surprise, as it seemed for a time that was using the Game Center exclusivity as a way to drive users to their own platform. In fact, prior to Cloud Pirates' release on Steam, Allods Online was the only game published by that was available on Steam and its population had dropped off significantly prior to the Steam launch. It is unknown whether the Steam launch signals a declining population in the PC version of Skyforge or if is simply slowly releasing all of its games on Steam.

Despite being released on Steam, it is unlikely that users that play the game through Steam will be moved out of the ecosystem entirely. The Steam versions of both Allods Online and Cloud Pirates both require the use of the Game Center and I imagine that the Steam version of Skyforge is no different.

You can read more about Skyforge's Steam release on the Steam store page.

Skyforge - Ascension Release Trailer