Star Citizen Previews Updated Tutorial System As Testing Continues For Alpha 3.19

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Cloud Imperium Games is gearing up for the next stage of Star Citizen’s seemingly never-ending alpha as they begin testing Alpha 3.19 in preparation for its launch on the live alpha servers. The update will bring a whole host of new features to the space simulation MMO, including a revamped layout for Lorville, salvage missions, improved AI behavior, new tractor beam mechanics, and more.

Update 3.19 will also mark the return of the new player tutorial to help guide players through the game's basics and beyond. This week’s Star Citizen Live episode offers a preview of the new and improved tutorial which has been updated with instructions on basic game mechanics now that they’ve been properly deployed and stabilized. These include guides for eating, drinking, using the mobiGlas, and of course, flying spaceships.

There’s still no timeline for the update’s release but it looks like Cloud Imperium is making headway on its testing. In the meantime, you can catch a preview of the returning tutorial system in the video below.

Star Citizen Live Gamedev: New Player Experience