The Queen Slayer Enters The Total War: Arena


Total War: Arena's latest update has introduced The Queen Slayer, the warrior princess Cynane, as a new commander. She was "famed for her military knowledge and skill in hunting, tracking, and swordfighting." Her accomplishments include the "great defeat of the Illyrians and slaying of their queen Caeria with her own hand." To reflect these skills in-game, she has the abilities Barrage, Shock, Slaughter, and Hunt. Barrage "hastens reload time" to allow repeated volleys for a short period of time. Shock "creates a scattering cavalry charge that ramps up in intensity over time." The charge's impact will peak right before the charge ends and rewards skilled use of the ability. Slaughter kills enemies that have been knocked to the ground. Hunt marks and enemy unit and maintains line of sight even after it leaves your actual line of sight.

Additionally, several changes have been made to the game at large. Roman Infantry no longer have Caltrops, following player feedback. Premium units no longer have a replenishment cost, but you will have to pay for consumables. Matchmaking has been refined, allowing for fairer matches between players that are closer together geographically.

For more information, head to the official blog.