War Thunder Player Leaks Classified Military Documents… Again

war thunder tank battle mmo chinese type 99 mbt

How far would you go to get your game feedback heard? Apparently, some gamers are prepared to divulge classified information just to get their way. A War Thunder player recently leaked the specs of the Chinese Type 99 Main Battle Tank on the game’s official forums in an attempt to get the in-game version of the tank buffed.

The leak, which included tank round specifications and schematics of an actual part of the tank, was promptly taken down by the forum moderators but not before it was circulated online. But as we all know with the internet, once it’s out there, it’s out there. At some point, it was even translated from Chinese to English.

Kotaku notes that this is the third time that War Thunder players have leaked classified information to get a tank’s stats buffed and in one case to win an argument on the forums. In all cases, Gaijin Entertainment firmly maintained that sensitive military information will not be used as source material and that no changes will be made to their in-game counterparts.

“Guys it’s not funny to leak classified documents of modern equipment you put the lives of many on stake who work daily with the vehicles,” a moderator previously said. “Keep in mind that those documents will be deleted immediately alongside sanctions.”

Chinese MBTs / War Thunder