Abyss Online Devs Warn Against Buying The Game Until They Can Fix Game-Breaking Issues

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While most developers would want nothing more than to buy their early access games despite persistent issues, Old World Labs is actually warning players away from Abyss Online after its rocky early access launch last week. Not that there’s anyone playing right now since the studio also took the free-to-play playtest servers offline while they sort out the mess.

“We warn all to not purchase our game until these game breaking bugs are behind us,” the studio said. “As many of you know, our journey into Early Access with Abyss Online has encountered absolute chaos. Our team is working tirelessly to address the issues and improve your experience. We encourage anyone who wished to purchase Abyss to wait at least a few weeks until we sort out the game-breaking bugs that plague our Early Access launch.”

Meanwhile, the team is working to fix various bugs and issues with logging in, game crashes, world saves, optimization, invisible gear, and the user interface. Once those and any other glaring problems have been sorted out, they’ll then move on to adding new features, improving existing gameplay systems, and adding more depth to the crypto-game-turned-buy-to-play fantasy MMORPG.

The studio promises to bring the playtest servers back online sometime in the next few weeks, hopefully to a significantly better turnout than just 11 players.