Diablo 4 Announces Major Loot And Item Revamp Coming In Season 4: Loot Reborn

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Blizzard is simplifying and streamlining each and every piece of loot in Diablo 4 when Season 4 begins on May 14. Aptly named Loot Reborn, the online ARPG’s fourth season will introduce significant changes to the loot system to make it easier to see which items are better than others as soon as they drop.

The changes will primarily revolve around reducing the number of affixes for all items and simplifying their effects. “Instead of seeing an affix that relies on conditional values (+10% damage on non-injured Elites), you’ll see affixes such as base increases to your Movement Speed, Max life, or single ranks of a Core Skill,” the dev team explains. “Dropped Items are now simpler to evaluate, and we’ve moved their complexity and customization to our new crafting systems, Tempering and Masterworking.”

“By making items more individually impactful, we’ve significantly decreased the number of items that drop when slaying Monsters,” they added. “The goal here is to spend more time obliterating and less time sorting through the many items that drop. The result is that fewer items will drop overall, but those items will be more likely to be valuable.”

The team will also be updating the materials gained from Salvaging and Crafting in addition to making Forgotten Souls obtainable from Whisper Bounties and as a rare drop from Elite mobs. Limits will also be placed on the cost of re-rolling items when Enchanting and the materials needed to perform Blacksmithing activities.

Testers also report adjustments to gems, threat levels, the Codex of Power, threat levels, Andariel, Iron Wolves mercenaries, and the Pit of Artificers. More information about the item changes coming in Season 4 can be found on the Diablo 4 official site.