Embers Adrift Players Will Get To Enjoy Subscriber Benefits Until November 19

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Embers Adrift players who’ve been holding off on paying for a subscription will be able to try out the perks that come with it in line with the group-based MMORPG’s first anniversary celebration. From now until November 19th, all players will get to enjoy subscriber-only benefits including extra character slots, unrestricted bank storage and stash access, full access to emotes, [...]

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Embers Adrift Adds Skill-Boosting Alchemy System And Cosmetic Slot For Subscribers

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Embers Adrift’s first anniversary isn’t the only cause for celebration in the group-based MMORPG as Stormhaven Studios rolls out the brand-new Alchemy system. Through Alchemy, players will be able to empower their combat skills when in a pinch using a new type of item called Ember Essence. All non-aura skills can be empowered to increase their potency but will require [...]

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Embers Adrift’s 1st Anniversary Free Trial Will Include Full Subscription Perks

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As announced earlier this week, Stormhaven Studios will be celebrating Embers Adrift’s first anniversary by opening up the game to everyone with a free trial. The initial announcement hinted at a free weekend, but it’s apparently going to extend way longer than we expected. The free trial will period will run from October 13th to November 5th with absolutely no [...]

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Embers Adrift Announces Another Free-To-Play Weekend For Its 1st Birthday

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Embers Adrift is celebrating its first birthday this month and will be running another free-to-play weekend event to mark the occasion and encourage new players to try the group-based MMORPG. Stormhaven Studios is also inviting inactive players to return to the game and active ones to spend more time in the game with a dungeon schedule spreadsheet created by Community [...]

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Embers Adrift Shows Off Blightroot Grove Gameplay In Its Latest Dev Stream

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Stormhaven Studios continues to build up Embers Adrift following its rather disappointing launch last October as part of the studio’s promise to “get the game to mature” post-launch. Over the past few months, the developers have added a whole host of new features and content in addition to various gameplay improvements and subscription price changes, all in a bid to [...]

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Embers Adrift Improves ‘Combat Feel’ And Adds Hunting Log In Its August Update

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Embers Adrift has made some improvements to its combat system with the release of its August update, dubbed Power of the Ember Veins. Fights in the group-centric PvE MMORPG should now feel more fluid with quicker ability executions and enhanced animations. “With the aim of improving the feels of combat without drastically changing the formula, we have enhanced our execution [...]

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Embers Adrift Drops Mandatory Subscriptions But Adds Restrictions On Unsubbed Accounts

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The day that Embers Adrift players have been waiting for has arrived as Stormhaven Studios finally scraps mandatory monthly subscriptions. As of yesterday, the open-world PvE MMORPG will only require a one-time purchase to play with a VIP subscription option to enjoy various perks. The shift aims to foster a stronger community and allows lapsed subscribers to explore the game. [...]

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Embers Adrift Unveils Development Roadmap For The Second Half Of 2023

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Stormhaven Studios treated Embers Adrift fans to a new developer livestream over the weekend, where the studio unveiled their updated development roadmap for the group-based MMORPG for the remainder of 2023. During the stream, the developers talked about upcoming content updates and shed light on what players can expect in the coming months. The third and fourth quarters of the [...]

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