Blade And Soul: NEO Classic Showcases Cinderland’s Remastered Bosses And Monsters

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NCSoft’s Blade and Soul: NEO Classic preview series continues with part two of its Cinderlands revamp spotlight blog and video. In addition to the visual makeovers coming to the region’s zones and environments, the team will also be giving its bosses and monsters a fresh coat of paint.

“The bosses and monsters of Blade & Soul have always been admired for their unique designs,” says NCSoft. “We wanted to make sure that they don’t look outdated within the remastered backgrounds and environments of NEO Classic, so we are working on improving their qualities as well.”

Other zones and monsters will also be receiving the same treatment and we’re bound to see more previews as we move closer to the NEO Classic remaster/reboot’s launch. When that’s happening is still under wraps. For now, you can catch a glimpse of Cinderland’s prettier monsters in the new preview video below. You can also check out its visually updated environments here, in case you missed it.

Blade & Soul NEO Classic: Field and World Bosses Combat Preview