Chronicles Of Elyria Developer Journal Details The Average In-Game Lifespan


Chronicles of Elyria's first developer journal of 2016—ironically the 16th—is here and with it comes more details about the average lifespan of a character. As you may know by now, characters in Chronicles of Elyria age and die permanently. When your character reaches the end of its lifespan and dies, you must purchase a new Spark of Life in order to make a new character and continue playing.

Unfortunately, it's not that simple. If you don't ever die in-game and are never forced to "spirit walk" to resurrect, your character will live to be between 80 and 120 in-game years—an in-game year is approximately four real days—old. Depending on how you decide to start your adventure, you either take control of your character at 12 or 15. The average player will be given between 65 and 105 in-game years before their character dies permanently. From there, your lifespan will drop by two days for every time you have to spirit walk due to "spirit loss." If you die an average of once per month, your character will then live around eleven months before you have to pay for a new Spark of Life.

The developers are considering adding a "toll cap"—a limit on how much spirit loss can occur within a short period of time—to make sure that exceptionally frustrating situations aren't made more frustrating. The current proposed toll cap is once per two and a half hours, one day in Chronicles of Elyria. They are also considering a separate cap of once per ten hours for players that find themselves on the battlefield.

The developer journal goes on to detail the game's fame mechanics. It's a math-heavy post, but an interesting read, nonetheless.