Epic Games Vs. Apple In-Person Trial Scheduled For May 3

epic games apple bannerHere’s the latest update in the Epic Games vs. Apple legal battle. After months of motions, subpoenas, lobbying, and posturing, both parties will finally be going to court on May 3.

According to MacRumors, the trial date was set by Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers, the US District Judge overseeing the case, during a management conference earlier this week. Judge Rogers ruled that the parties involved, including the witnesses, had the necessary resources to fly to Northern California for an in-person trial while observing COVID-19 quarantine and health protocols. She also said that witnesses are less likely to lie when they’re in a physical courtroom.

The court will also implement necessary precautions to keep the attendees safe, including social distancing and limiting the number of people inside the courtroom.

The legal dispute between Epic Games and Apple started in August 2020 when Epic added a direct payment option in Fortnite in an attempt to circumvent Apple’s 30% fee on in-app purchases. Apple responded by pulling Fortnite from the App Store for alleged breach of contract to which Epic retaliated with an anti-trust lawsuit.

The outcome of the trial will have a significant effect on the gaming industry and could open the floodgates to future lawsuits against tech company monopolies, which Judge Rogers describes as “walled gardens.”