Vela Games Says Evercore Heroes Is Now Awkwardly Transitioning Into Project R

evercore heroes closed beta key art

Vela Games continues to work on revamping Evercore Heroes after its woefully unsuccessful PC closed beta back in June. The PvE MOBA and MMO hybrid was pulled back into maintenance mode last month for a makeover after an extremely disappointing turnout during its paid closed beta which forced the Dubin-based studio to layoff multiple employees to stay afloat.

The game was rebranded as Project R and is now being redesigned with a focus on its competitive PvE mechanics. According to the studio’s latest state of the game update, they already have a functioning version of the game but is still in the “awkward transition phase” where some of the new features are already half-way done while some old features have yet to be removed.

The studio also said that it’s looking to bring the community into the development process by regularly asking them for feedback. Every Monday, the team will post a question on the Evercore Heroes Discord about a planned gameplay feature or mechanic. After a few weeks, they’ll release a dev blog where they’ll share their thoughts on the said feature or mechanic.

“We really want this to be a dialogue, not just a one way interaction,” Vela Games said. “Through this process, you’ll be actively helping inform the debate around Project R!”