Vela Games Bets Its Survival On Evercore Heroes Remaster And Reboot ‘Project R’

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Vela Games is betting everything on its plans to reboot Evercore Heroes after it failed to garner enough attention to make it financially viable. The studio pulled the MMO/MOBA hybrid back into development for a complete redesign and has since been rebranded as Project R.

The decision to reboot the game is in response to the extremely poor turnout during its June closed beta test. The financial challenges caused by the game’s poor performance has led to layoffs within the studio and the closure of its North American server as the studio rallied for a second attempt to win over the gaming community.

The redesigned game will focus on smaller competitive team-based PvE matches with fully-revamped maps and new mechanics that will encourage players to stick to their chosen role. It will also feature evolving enemies and will be getting a visual overhaul to boot.

“As we move further away from the closed beta of [Evercore Heroes], we’re able to see more and more of the road ahead for Project-R,” the team reports. “The current focus of our small team is on building a playable demo version of Project-R, as we’re fighting for Vela’s survival with this next bet.”

No timeline has been given for the project. Vela Games, however, has been nothing but transparent about its development, so we can likely expect regular updates as work continues on the reboot. As always, we’ll keep an eye out for any new developments.