Instantly Jump To The Endgame With EverQuest’s New Level 100 Heroic Character Bundle

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If you’re looking for a quick way to get to nearly max level in EverQuest without doing the required questing and grinding, then you’re in for a treat. Darkpaw Games will be selling Level 100 Heroic characters starting next week which will come with various bonuses and gear to help you get off to a running start.

The Level 100 Heroic Characters will cost 4,000 Daybreak Cash or $36 a pop and will come bundled with a full set of gear, two 40-slot bags, spells, food and ammo, an additional mercenary slot, a Selyrah mount, thousands of Auto-Granted Alternative Advancement Abilities (AA’s), 25,000 Platinum, and 200 Bayle Marks. You’ll also get to start in Shard’s Landing with access to every available portal. It’s a great way to catch up with your friends or create a max level alt without having to go through the entire leveling process again.

Darkpaw will start selling the new Heroic boost on September 21st. The Level 85 Heroic Character bundle from way back in 2014 will continue to be available in the cash shop for 3,500 Daybreak Cash following the Level 100 Heroic bundle’s release.

As to whether the studio will be giving away free Level 100 Heroic boosts just as they did with Level 85s, the answer is no. But, there’s still the possibility that they might give them away at some point in the future.