Project Gorgon Introduces New Animation System, Performance Improvements, And VIP Tab

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Project Gorgon gets new animations in the latest update for the early access Kickstarted fantasy MMORPG. The update replaces the old animation system with a new one that features smoother animation blending, several new animations, and the addition of dance emotes for both players and NPCs. The new system will also allow the developers to easily add new animations in the future.

“[. . .] Now that we have the ability to add more, you can expect to see animations play a bigger role in the game in the future,” said the team on the official forums.

Players with at least level 10 in their Interpretative Dance skill can also learn new dance moves by dancing along with NPCs. NPCs have also become pickier about music and will require 3 or more performers before they bust a move.

“Certain NPCs in the world now have unique dance moves! If they choose to dance, they'll perform their move. If you dance along with them (and your Interpretive Dance skill is 10 or higher) you will eventually learn their dance move. The amount of time it takes to learn the move is random, but usually pretty quick.”

Elder Games also admitted that a lot of stuff still needs tweaking and fixing, and that some may even be broken. In fact, they’re currently waiting to hear of the silliest animation bugs in the game. The team is even thinking about offering a prize for the best 10-second video clip.

In addition to new animations, the update also introduces a VIP tab in the Settings window in preparation for future subscriptions. The VIP tab comes with new features that will eventually be offered to VIP subscribers but are currently available for testing, such as a special reports tab that will allow players to export information about their characters and the items in their storage as well as combat logging and chat logging options.

Experimental optimizations have also been introduced that should dramatically improve performance in lower-end PCs. Players can toggle the experimental changes on and off in the Graphics section of the Settings window.

The full release notes can be found on the Project Gorgon official forums.

Project: Gorgon Fantasy MMORPG Trailer