Revelation Online ‘Battle For Voras’ Cross-Server PvP War Has Been Delayed

revelation online voras courtyard bannerMy.Games has just announced that they will be pushing back the launch of the Revelation Online “Battle for Voras” cross-server PvP war. According to the studio, they’re still trying to work out issues with the new Imperial War that have had them scratching their heads even while they were testing it prior to the Skyward World update.

“We have worked diligently to test and fix issues with this mode over the time it took since the launch (and before the release) of Skyward World to now, but sadly we still encounter errors that we cannot fix by ourselves. We continue to communicate with NetEase on these issues, but sadly our colleagues are still struggling to find and identify the cause.”

The issues include uncompletable Voras Curiosity Quests, problems with the opening time of Seasons, and NPCs, teleports, and objective points not showing up on the map.

To thank players for their support, My.Games is giving away a free 1-Star Astera Scroll that can now be claimed on the Revelation Online online market. You can also head over to the Revelation Online official site for more info.