RSI Releases Another Star Marine Progress Update

Roberts Space Industries has released a new update to the Star Marine module of Star Citizen. The update showcases weapon weathering with different weapon qualities similar to what they have going on in Counter Strike Global Offensive. In the update they also highlight the progress of each of the development disciplines for the new module as well as noting animation blockers. Last but not least, they've added a short teaser video (only FIVE seconds long), that shows off their 'proxy issues testing'.

Here is a breakdown summary of each section:

  • Audio: Foundry 42 audio team did a recording session for firearms for use in environmental audio.
  • Gameplay: Gameplay team had to work with some boring development stream merges, and they want more customization in game.
  • UI: Worked on a few bugs and did a feedback session for FPS HUD.
  • Art: Art team worked on  a "Devastator Shotgun" weapon and worked on multiple zoom levels for Sniper Rifles.
  • Animation: Work has begun on "crouch juke" animations and magazine check animations. They're also working on 'hurt locomotion' using motion capture data.

You can check out the official post here.