Star Citizen Alpha 2.6 Release Updated To December 16th


Star Citizen's target release date for the long-awaited Alpha 2.6 has been updated to December 16, 2016. I appreciate the transparency since  RSI decided to make their internal release schedule public.


Keep in mind the internal schedule is an estimate, and does not guarantee that Alpha 2.6 releases on time—you never know what unforeseen bugs or other issues might delay the release. So keep your hopes in check until RSI announces a guarantee.

Alpha 2.6 is a big deal for Star Citizen backers. It marks the release of Star Marine, along with new ships and several Arena Commander improvements.

In the meantime you can check out the latest episode of Reverse The Verse below, a Q&A show where Star Citizen's developers answer community questions.

Star Citizen: Reverse the Verse 2.15 - UK