V Rising Official Servers Are Now Offline In Preparation For Tomorrow’s Official Launch

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Stunlock Studios has pulled V Rising offline for a 48-hour maintenance period in preparation for the vampire survival game’s Update 1.0 launch on May 8. As previously noted, the downtime will not affect player-run servers which will still be available in their current state until launch day when all servers will be reset and you’ll need to either start a new save or play on a separate Steam branch to access existing characters.

Once Update 1.0 is live, the official servers will come back online fully wiped and with new features, gameplay systems, and the new relaxed, normal, and brutal difficulty settings. Like in Gloomrot, they’ll also be periodically wiped after a couple of months (1 month for PvP squad and duo servers).

Stunlock also warns players who’ll be playing on the separate Steam branch that its servers won’t include any of the new features included in Update 1.0. I’m assuming that they’ll eventually be retired as players move to the newly updated servers. Until then, you’ll be free to play your old characters as before.

“The goal of official servers is to provide a stable V Rising experience, but ultimately we expect players to move on to private servers with more tailored gameplay after they’ve got their Vampire legs under them,” the studio said. “That being said, we also want to give you the most time we can to not feel rushed if you’re starting new on them.”

An exact time for when the servers will come back online has yet to be announced.

V Rising - Launch Trailer