Age Of Water Teaches Fans How To Fish So They Don’t Starve In The Water-Logged World

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One of the benefits of living in Age of Water’s nautical world is that there’ll be no shortage of fish for you to eat. First, you’ll need to catch them though. To get fans up to speed on the mechanics of fishing, Three Whales Studios has dropped a new preview blog outlining all the ways you can obtain fish in the water-logged post-apocalyptic game. Give a man a fish, and all that.

“To survive, each ship’s crew needs provisions. What can you find to eat when surrounded only by water? Fish, of course!”

Obviously, the easiest way to obtain fish would be to pick some up from your local trader. Fork over some cash, or whatever passes for cash in Age of Water’s post-apocalyptic world, and you’ve got yourself a meal. You can also search for fish in rocks, loot them off the corpses of dead sharks, or gather the casualties of a mine explosion. Of course, you can also do it the hard way and catch them yourself by using a good old-fashioned fishing rod which opens up a fun little minigame.

“Fishing is an activity that requires concentration and full immersion in the process, so choose a calm place so as not to be distracted from this meditative occupation by angry sharks and other enemies,” says Three Whales. “There are three types of fish: small, medium, and large, each requiring its own bait. You won't catch a big marlin with a puny worm! So you’ll have to sweat and improve your fishing skill!”

Your NPC crew will automatically process everything you’ve caught. “You can give orders to process the fish every time you obtain provisions or appoint someone from the crew to be responsible for the food supplies, and then the designated character will do their job without your reminders,” the team explains.

“Make sure there is always enough food in your hold. After all, as it is known: ‘A strong crew is a well-fed crew,” concludes the devs.