Bungie Employees Will Get $1.2 Billion Once The Studio Officially Join’s Sony’s Umbrella

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Sony is giving Bungie employees a lot of good reason to stay with the company following the studio’s acquisition – 1.2 billion reasons to be exact.

Kotaku reports that roughly a third of the announced $3.6 billion that they’ll be paying Bungie will go to its employees with the condition that they remain employed by the company. The incentive will be paid out over several years which means that employees will have to stay until the payments are completed to receive the full amount.

“Approximately one-third of the US$3.6 billion acquisition consideration consists primarily of deferred payments to employee shareholders, conditional upon their continued employment, and other retention incentives. These amounts will be paid over the course of several years after the closing date.”

$1.2 billion divided amongst Bungie’s 900 or so current employees comes up to an average of a whopping $1 million for each of them. The only question is: How and where do I apply for a position at the studio?