Cyberpunk 2077 Producer Says The Game Will Have Separate Single-Player & Multiplayer

cyberpunk 2077 bar crowd bannerIt’s been barely a month since CD Projekt Red announced that they were pushing back Cyberpunk 2077’s launch to September and that multiplayer will probably won’t be seeing the light of day until 2022.

In a recent interview with On Microsoft, Producer John Mamais said they're going to keep the single-player and multiplayer aspects of the game separate. “We’re not mixing the two things. Totally focusing on single-player.” Mamais also revealed that they’ll be talking about multiplayer in “about a year from now or something.”

Mamais also talked about the game’s lore, game design changes, and possible problems with censorship, especially in Australia. “We have a big list of things that could be bad for us in Australia,” he said. “The two big things are sexualized violence and drugs with rewards but you can’t really do cyberpunk without drugs, right?

“We’re not going to water it down,” he adds, “but I don’t think there are any situations where you can take any real street-named drug and get a reward from it. And there definitely aren’t going to be any tasteless sexualized violence either.

In addition, Mamais also touched on overall gameplay experience and the game’s quest system. “In Witcher 3, we did the open-world elements very late in the development process when we only had two or three people working on it or something,” he said. Now there’s, like, 15 people doing these open-world quests.”

“There’s a couple of layers. There’s a passive layer, which is the vendors, then there’s the STSs, which are the street stories. I think there’s around 75 street stories. Then there’s minor activities as well. The street stories are like little quests. There’s story but there’s not, like, advanced cinematic storytelling sequences so much. They’re a way to explore the world and level-up your character.”

Cyberpunk 2077 is scheduled to come out on the Xbox One on September 17th. Watch official gameplay footage in the video below.

Cyberpunk 2077 – Deep Dive Video