World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight’s Story Is Coming To An End As Seeds Of Renewal Arrives

world of warcraft seeds of renewal night elves

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight’s final content update, Seeds of Renewal, has officially arrived and not only wraps up the main questline in the Dragon Isles but ties up a few loose ends in the main continents as well.

Seeds of Renewal also serves as an epilogue for several old story arcs and includes the founding of the Night Elves’ new capital city, Bel’ameth, after the burning of Teldrassil in the Battle for Azeroth expansion and King Greymane’s return to Gilneas, over a decade after the Forsaken invaded the island nation in Cataclysm.

The massive update also introduced the ability to bring NPC companions in all normal difficulty versions of Dragonflight’s dungeons, dragon-riding outside of the Dragon Isles, and the new Azerothian Archives relic-hunting mini-game.

“Discover the history of the Dragon Isles and meet a unique cast of characters, hear stories of old, and witness the iconography of a time before. Participate in Solo and Group activities within Traitor's Rest with a Weekly Public Event, plenty of opportunity to explore, and earn rewards like Battle Pets, Mounts, and a Transmog set.”

Seeds of Renewal also brought new character customization options for trolls and draenei, transmog set rewards for the Trading Post Enthusiast achievement, new passive abilities for Drachtyr, and various class and gameplay balance tweaks.

All in all, it’s a pretty substantial patch that should give players plenty of things to do until The War Within comes out later this year. You can check out the full patch notes on the World of Warcraft official site.

Seeds of Renewal Launch Trailer | Dragonflight | World of Warcraft