V Rising Announces PlayStation 5 Launch Date And Sees A Huge Surge In Player Numbers

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It’s nearly been a month since V Rising officially shed its early access tag with the release of its Version 1.0: Ruins of Consortium update on PC. Now that the vampire survival game has formally launched, developer Stunlock Studios will soon be welcoming new vampires into its fold when it launches on the PlayStation 5 on June 11.

“PlayStation 5 owners can finally sink their teeth into V Rising in its final form,” the studio announced. “Step into the shoes of a newly awakened vampire, construct your gothic castle, and explore an open world teeming with danger with seven regions to explore and 57 bosses to best.”

“Partnering with Sony and with additional support from Auroch Digital, Stunlock Studios has focused on creating optimal PlayStation 5 gameplay with UI improvements, as well as DualSense game controller support,” the studio added. “Hunt for blood alone or unite with a clan, battling alongside fellow vampires online. Rise in power and face the ancient tyrant Dracula himself in a showdown of epic proportions to rule the night.”

The base edition of the game will set you back $39.99 with a 10% discount for PlayStation Plus subscribers until 5 a.m. PDT on June 11. If you’ve got a little extra cash to burn, you can also opt for the $59.99 Castlevania Edition or the $99.99 Complete Edition which come bundled with exclusive cosmetic packs and a five-day head start for pre-orders.

Meanwhile, V Rising has seen a huge resurgence on Steam following Version 1.0’s release, bringing its player count up from an average daily concurrency of roughly 5,000 players to a daily peak of nearly 60,000 players as of this writing. Reviews also remain very positive on Steam.

V Rising - PlayStation 5 Date Reveal Trailer