Shroud Of The Avatar Adds New Cartography Maps And Preps For Garriott’s Birthday Stream

shroud of the avatar visual upgrade

Shroud of the Avatar recently rolled out an update that focused on refining existing content and advancing the game’s cartography project. The patch included various fixes, such as ensuring that certain keys are destructible as intended, adding missing debuff icons, and resolving specific quest-related issues. Additionally, the team also updated its cartography project with the creation of maps for ten additional locations.

Meanwhile, the studio has published its latest monthly newsletter which outlines the month’s new collection of cash shop items and subscriber-exclusive freebies. The newsletter also highlights an upcoming birthday stream in honor of Richard Garriott on July 7th. During the stream, developers will discuss the game's latest release, address player queries, and offer prizes to participants who either make a cash shop purchase or engage in the in-game chat.

Garriott, however, will not be present during the stream, presumably due to his involvement with the Titanic submarine tragedy as revealed in a recent article by The Explorers Club where he currently serves as president. The club released a statement affirming their commitment to continuing their explorations in honor of Hamish Harding, a renowned British pilot and adventurer who was one of the passengers who perished onboard the doomed exploration sub.