Shroud Of The Avatar Release 96 Adds New Undead Enemies And New Social Hub

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Shroud of the Avatar’s new Release 96 adds a sprinkling of new content to the still in-development MMORPG. Headlining the new update are new undead enemies that will be spawning in several remote locations around New Britannia.

“A previously-unknown ancient undead humanoid, from before any recorded history, has emerged to threaten all of humanity. Ancient Undead now have chances to appear in Despair, Opalis Ruins, Mysterious Swamp, Forest Road Encounter, Plains Encounter, Plains Road Encounter, and Swamp Road Encounter.”

In addition to dropping zombies into the game, Release 96 also opens the doors to the new Castle Atos social hub which can be found between Soltown and Solace Bridge Outskirts. Castle Atos will not only offer a new place to hang out with your travelling buddies but will also grant players the Unique Blessing buff that increases health, focus, and melee critical hit damage. Players can also take on new quests and purchase special vendor items within the newly-opened castle.

Another major addition to the game is the ability to pattern the The Bonesteel Crown, Scepter of Dread and Heart of Sorrows Dread Artifacts and place them as decorations. Creating no-trade patterns for the artifacts require Obsidian Forge Recipes that drop from associated cabalists after completing the story quests for a particular artifact.

The update also introduces a long list of bug fixes, gameplay tweaks, and improvements. The full release notes on the Shroud of the Avatar official site offers a detailed rundown of these changes.