MapleStory 2 Launches Awakening Update - Adds New Class, Increases Level Cap, & More

MapleStory 2 launched the "Awakening" update today which includes the following major changes:

  • Increase in level cap from 60 to 70
  • New playable class: Striker
  • Rank 2 job skills for all classes
  • New hard dungeons and Chaos Raids
  • Burning event (Every level up grants 3 levels up until level 60)
  • New Legendary Gear Sets (Enigma, Behemoth, and Dark Vanguard)
  • New customizeable skill system that uses Lapenshards.

MapleStory 2 is available on both Steam and Nexon's own launcher. The game currently averages 961 users online at any given time on Steam, down significantly from launch month when it averaged ~20,000 players.

While MapleStory 2 is certainly no MapleStory 1, I think it's well worth trying. Plus, with the ongoing burning event, getting to level 60 should be easy.