Upcoming MapleStory 2 Kritias Expansion Increases Level Cap And Adds New Floating Continent

maplestory 2 kritias continent bannerLast week, Nexon held a two-hour long surprise livestream on Twitch to announce and preview the new MapleStory 2 Kritias expansion. The upcoming two-part expansion will bring the level cap up to 99 and will introduce new skills, new level 70 pets, and the new Kritias floating continent with new zones, exploration goals, and dungeons. New Raids will also be added regularly to keep things fresh.

According to the devs, reaching level 99 will be quite a challenge, especially the bit from level 80 to 99. The first installment of Kritias will be coming out on December 11th. Check out the full and highly-informative livestream below to learn more about the expansion.

Check out the full patchnotes here.

MapleStory 2 Kritias Expansion Trailer